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(ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-Contraction theorems in probabilistic metric spaces for single valued case


In this article, we prove some fixed-point theorems for (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction in probabilistic metric spaces for single valued case. We will generalize the definition of (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction and present fixed-point theorem in the generalized (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction.

1 Introduction

The probabilistic metric space was introduced by Menger [1]. Mihet presented the class of (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction for a single valued case in fuzzy metric spaces [2, 3]. This class is a generalization of the (ϵ,λ)-contraction which was introduced in [4]. We defined the class of (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction for the multi-valued case in a probabilistic metric space before [5]. Now, we obtain two fixed-point theorems of (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction for single valued case. Also, we extend the concept of (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction to the generalized (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction.

The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 is a review of some concepts in probabilistic metric spaces and probabilistic contractions. In Section 3, we will show two theorems for (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction in the single-valued case and explain the generalized (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction.

2 Preliminary notes

We recall some concepts from probabilistic metric space, convergence and contraction. For more details, we refer the reader to [68].

Let D + be the set of all distribution of functions F such that F(0)=0 (F is a non-decreasing, left continuous mapping from into [0,1] such that lim x F(x)=1).

The ordered pair (S,F) is said to be a probabilistic metric space if S is a nonempty set and F:S×S D + (F(p,q) written by F p q for every (p,q)S×S) satisfies the following conditions:

  1. (1)

    F u v (x)=1 for every x>0u=v (u,vS),

  2. (2)

    F u v = F v u for every u,vS,

  3. (3)

    F u v (x)=1 and F v w (y)=1 F u , w (x+y)=1 for every u,v,wS, and every x,y R + .

A Menger space is a triple (S,F,T) where (S,F) is a probabilistic metric space, T is a triangular norm (abbreviated t-norm) and the following inequality holds:

F u v (x+y)T ( F u w ( x ) , F w v ( y ) ) for every u,v,wS, and every x,y R + .

Recall the mapping T:[0,1]×[0,1][0,1] is called a triangular norm (a t-norm) if the following conditions are satisfied: T(a,1)=a for every a[0,1]; T(a,b)=T(b,a) for every a,b[0,1]; ab,cdT(a,c)T(b,d), a,b,c,d[0,1]; T(T(a,b),c)=T(a,T(b,c)), a,b,c[0,1]. Basic examples of t-norms are T L (Lukasiewicz t-norm), T P and T M , defined by T L (a,b)=max{a+b1,0}, T P (a,b)=ab and T M (a,b)=min{a,b}. If T is a t-norm and ( x 1 , x 2 ,, x n ) [ 0 , 1 ] n (n N ), one can define recurrently i = 1 n x i =T( i = 1 n 1 x i , x n ) for all n2. One can also extend T to a countable infinitary operation by defining i = 1 x i for any sequence ( x i ) i N as lim n i = 1 n x i .

If q(0,1) is given, we say that the t-norm T is q-convergent if lim n i = n (1 q i )=1. We remark that if T is q-convergent, then

λ(0,1)s=s(λ)N i = 1 n ( 1 q s + i ) >1λ,nN.

Also, note that if the t-norm T is q-convergent, then sup 0 t < 1 T(t,t)=1.

Proposition 2.1 Let (S,F,T) be a Menger space. If sup 0 t < 1 T(t,t)=1, then the family { U ϵ } ϵ > 0 , where

U ϵ = { ( x , y ) S × S F x , y ( ϵ ) > 1 ϵ }

is a base for a metrizable uniformity on S, called the F-uniformity [68]. The F-uniformity naturally determines a metrizable topology on S, called the strong topology or F-topology [9], a subset O of S is F-open if for every pO there exists t>0 such that N p ={qS| F p q (t)>1t}O.

Definition 2.1 [6]

A sequence ( x n ) n N is called an F-convergent sequence to xS if for every ϵ>0 and λ(0,1) there exists N=N(ϵ,λ)N such that F x n x (ϵ)>1λ, nN.

Definition 2.2 [6]

Let φ:(0,1)(0,1) be a mapping, we say that the t-norm T is φ-convergent if

δ(0,1),λ(0,1)s=s(δ,λ)N i = 1 n ( 1 φ s + i ( δ ) ) >1λ,n1.

Definition 2.3 [6]

A sequence ( x n ) n N is called a convergent sequence to xS if for every ϵ>0 and λ(0,1) there exists N=N(ϵ,λ)N such that F x n x (ϵ)>1λ, nN.

Definition 2.4 [6]

A sequence ( x n ) n N is called a Cauchy sequence if for every ϵ>0 and λ(0,1) there exists N=N(ϵ,λ)N such that F x n x n + m (ϵ)>1λ, nN, mN.

We also have

x n F x F x n x (t)1t>0.

A probabilistic metric space (S,F,T) is called sequentially complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent.

The concept of (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction has been introduced by Mihet [3].

We will consider comparison functions from the class ϕ of all mapping φ:(0,1)(0,1) with the properties:

  1. (1)

    φ is an increasing bijection;

  2. (2)

    φ(λ)<λ λ(0,1).

Since every such a comparison mapping is continuous, if φϕ, then lim n φ n (λ)=0 λ(0,1).

Definition 2.5 [3]

Let (S,F) be a probabilistic space, φϕ and ψ be a map from (0,) to (0,). A mapping f:SS is called a (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction on S if it satisfies in the following condition:

x,yS,ϵ>0,λ(0,1), F x , y (ϵ)>1λ F f ( x ) , f ( y ) ( ψ ( ϵ ) ) >1φ(λ).

In the rest of paper we suppose that ψ is increasing bijection.

Example 2.1 Let S={0,1,2,} and (for xy)

F x , y (t)={ 0 if  t 2 min ( x , y ) , 1 2 min ( x , y ) if  2 min ( x , y ) < t 1 , 1 if  t > 1 .

Suppose that f:SS, f(r)=r+1.

Then (S,F, T L ) is a probabilistic metric space [10].

Let x, y, ϵ, λ be such that F x , y (ϵ)>1λ.

  1. (i)

    If 2 min ( x , y ) < ϵ 1 , then 1 2 min ( x , y ) >1λ.

    This implies 1 2 min ( x + 1 , y + 1 ) >1 1 2 λ, that is,

    F f x , f y (ϵ)>1 1 2 λ.
  2. (ii)

    If ϵ>1 then F f x , f y (ϵ)=1, hence again F f x , f y (ϵ)>1 1 2 λ. Thus, the mapping f is a (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction on S with ψ(ϵ)=ϵ and φ(λ)= 1 2 λ.

3 Main results

In this section, we will show (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction is continuous. By using this assumption, we will also prove two theorems.

Definition 3.1 Let F be a probabilistic distance on S. A mapping f:SS is called continuous if for every ϵ>0 there exists δ>0 such that

F u , v (δ)>1δ F f u , f v (ϵ)>1ϵ.

Before we start to present the theorems, we will explain the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1 Every (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction is continuous.

Proof Suppose that ϵ>0 be given and δ(0,1) be such that δ<min{ϵ, ψ 1 (ϵ)} and since ψ is increasing bijection then ψ(δ)<ϵ. If F x , y (δ)>1δ then, by (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction we have F f x , f y (ψ(δ))>1φ(δ), from where we obtain that F f x , f y (ϵ)> F f x , f y (ψ(δ))>1φ(δ)>1δ>1ϵ. So f is continuous. □

Theorem 3.1 Let (S,F,T) be a complete Menger space and T a t-norm satisfies in sup 0 a < 1 T(a,a)=1. Also, f:SS a (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction where lim n ψ n (δ)=0 for every δ(0,). If lim t F x 0 , f m x 0 (t)=1 for some x 0 S and all mN, then there exists a unique fixed point x of the mapping f and x= lim n f n ( x 0 ).

Proof Let x n = f n x 0 , nN. We shall prove that ( x n ) n N is a Cauchy sequence.

Let n,mN, ϵ>0, λ(0,1). Since lim t F x 0 , f m x 0 ( t ) (t)=1, it follows that for every ξ(0,1) there exists η>0 such that F x 0 , f m ( x 0 ) (η)>1ξ and by induction F f m x 0 , f n + m x 0 ( ψ n (η))>1 φ n (ξ) for all nN. By choosing n such that ψ n (η)<ϵ and φ n (ξ)<λ, we obtain

F x n , x n + m (ϵ)>1λ.

Hence, ( x n ) n N is a Cauchy sequence and since S is complete, it follows the existence of xS such that x= lim n x n . By continuity of f and x n + 1 =f x n for every nN, when n, we obtain that x=fx. □

Example 3.1 Let (S,F,T) be a complete Menger space where S={ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 }, T(a,b)=min{a,b} and F x y (t) is defined as

F x 1 , x 2 (t)= F x 2 , x 1 (t)={ 0 if  t 0 , 0.9 if  0 < t 3 , 1 if  t > 3


F x 1 , x 3 ( t ) = F x 3 , x 1 ( t ) = F x 1 , x 4 ( t ) = F x 4 , x 1 ( t ) = F x 2 , x 3 ( t ) = F x 3 , x 2 ( t ) = F x 2 , x 4 ( t ) = F x 4 , x 2 ( t ) = F x 3 , x 4 ( t ) = F x 4 , x 3 ( t ) = { 0 if  t 0 , 0.7 if  0 < t < 6 , 1 if  6 t

f:SS is given by f( x 1 )=f( x 2 )= x 2 and f( x 3 )=f( x 4 )= x 1 . If we take φ(λ)= λ 2 , ψ(ϵ)= ϵ 2 , then f is a (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction where lim n ψ n (δ)= lim n δ 2 n =0 for every δ(0,) and if we set x 0 = x 2 , then for all mN, we have f m x 0 = f m x 2 = x 2 and lim t F x 2 x 2 (t)=1, so x 2 is the unique fixed point for f.

Theorem 3.2 Let (S,F,T) be a complete Menger space, T be a t-norm such that sup 0 a < 1 T(a,a)=1 and f:SS a (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction where the series i ψ i (δ) is convergent for all δ>0 and suppose that for some pS and j>0

sup x > 0 x j ( 1 F p , f p ( x ) ) <.

If t-norm T is φ-convergent, then there exist a unique fixed point z of mapping f and z= lim l f l p.

Proof Choose ϵ>0 and λ(0,1). Let z l = f l p, lN. We shall prove that ( z l ) l N is a Cauchy sequence. It means we prove that there exists n 0 (ϵ,λ)N such that

F f l p , f l + m p (ϵ)>1λfor every l n 0 (ϵ,λ) and every mN.

Suppose that μ(0,1), M>0 are such that

x j ( 1 F p , f p ( x ) ) Mx>0.

Let n 1 be such that

1M ( μ j ) n 1 [0,1).

From (1), it follows that

F p , f p ( 1 μ n ) >1M ( μ j ) n nN specially for n= n 1 .

Since f is (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction, we derived by induction F f l p , f l + 1 p ( ψ l ( 1 μ n 1 ))>1 φ l (1M ( μ j ) n 1 ) l>1. Since the series i = 1 ψ i (δ) is convergent, there exists n 2 = n 2 (ϵ)N such that i = l ψ i (δ)ϵ l n 2 . We know i = l ψ i ( 1 μ n 1 )ϵ for every l>max{ n 1 , n 2 }.


F f l p , f l + m p ( ϵ ) F f l p , f l + m p ( i = l ψ i ( 1 μ n 1 ) ) F f l p , f l + m p ( i = l l + m 1 ψ i ( 1 μ n 1 ) ) T ( T ( T ( F f l p , f l + 1 p ( ψ l ( 1 μ n 1 ) ) , F f l + 1 p , f l + 2 p ( ψ l + 1 ( 1 μ n 1 ) ) ) , , F f l + m 1 p , f l + m p ( ψ l + m 1 ( 1 μ n 1 ) ) ) ) T ( T ( T ( ( 1 φ l ( 1 M ( μ j ) n 1 ) , ( 1 φ l + 1 ( 1 M ( μ j ) n 1 ) ) , , ( 1 φ l + m 1 ( 1 M ( μ j ) n 1 ) ) ) ) i = l ( 1 φ i ( 1 M ( μ j ) n 1 ) ) .

Since T is φ-convergent, we conclude that ( f l p ) l N is a Cauchy sequence. On the other hand, S is complete, therefore, there is a zS such that z= lim l f l p. By the continuity of the mapping f and z l + 1 =f z l when l+, it follows that fz=z. □

Example 3.2 Let (S,F,T) and the mappings f, ψ and φ be the same as in Example 3.1. Since i ψ i (δ)= i δ 2 i =δ for all δ>0 and if we set p= x 2 S, j>0 then t j (1 F x 2 x 2 (t))=0 for every t>0 or sup t > 0 t j (1 F x 2 x 2 (t))<, so x 2 is the unique fixed point for f.

Mihet in [3] showed, if f:SS is a (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction and is a complete fuzzy metric space, then f has an unique fixed point. Now we present a generalization of the (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction. First, we define the class of functions as follows.

Let be the family of all the mappings m: R ¯ R ¯ such that the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. (1)


  2. (2)


  3. (3)

    m is continuous.

Definition 3.2 Let (S,F) be a probabilistic metric space and f:SS. The mapping f is a generalized (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction if there exist a continuous, decreasing function h:[0,1][0,] such that h(1)=0, m 1 , m 2 , and λ(0,1) such that the following implication holds for every p,qS and for every ϵ>0:

ho F p , q ( m 2 ( ϵ ) ) < m 1 (λ)ho F f ( p ) , f ( q ) ( m 2 ( ψ ( ϵ ) ) ) < m 1 ( φ ( λ ) ) .

If m 1 (a)= m 2 (a)=a, and h(a)=1a for every a[0,1], we obtain the Mihet definition.

Theorem 3.3 Let (S,F,T) be a complete Menger space with t-norm T such that sup 0 a < 1 T(a,a)=1 and f:SS be a generalized (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction such that ψ is continuous on (0,) and lim n ψ n (δ)=0 for every δ(0,). Suppose that there exists λ(0,1) such that h(0)< m 1 (λ) and φ, ψ satisfy φ(0)=ψ(0)=0. Then x= lim n f n (p) is the unique fixed point of the mapping f for an arbitrary pS.

Proof First we shall prove that f is uniformly continuous. Let ζ>0 and η(0,1). We have to prove that there exists N( ζ ¯ , η ¯ )={(p,q)|(p,q)S×S, F p , q ( ζ ¯ )>1 η ¯ } such that

(p,q)N( ζ ¯ , η ¯ ) F f ( p ) , f ( q ) (ζ)>1η.

Let ϵ be such that m 2 (ψ(ϵ))<ζ and λ(0,1) such that

m 1 ( φ ( λ ) ) <h(1η).

Since m 1 and m 2 are continuous at zero, and m 1 (0)= m 2 (0)=0 such numbers ϵ and λ exist. We prove that ζ ¯ = m 2 (ϵ), η ¯ =1 h 1 ( m 1 (λ)). If (p,q)N( ζ ¯ , η ¯ ), we have

F p , q ( m 2 ( ϵ ) ) > 1 ( 1 h 1 ( m 1 ( λ ) ) ) = h 1 ( m 1 ( λ ) ) .

Since h is decreasing, it follows that ho F p , q ( m 2 (ϵ))< m 1 (λ). Hence,

ho F f ( p ) , f ( q ) ( m 2 ( ψ ( ϵ ) ) ) < m 1 ( φ ( λ ) ) .

Using (2), we conclude that

ho F f ( p ) , f ( q ) ( m 2 ( ψ ( ϵ ) ) ) <h(1η)

and since h is decreasing we have

F f ( p ) , f ( q ) (ζ) F f ( p ) , f ( q ) ( m 2 ( ψ ( ϵ ) ) ) >1η.

Therefore, (f(p),f(q))N(ζ,η) if (p,q)N( ζ ¯ , η ¯ ). We prove that for every ζ>0 and η(0,1) there exists n 0 (ζ,η)N such that for every p,qS

n> n 0 (ζ,η) F f n ( p ) , f n ( q ) (ζ)>1η.

By assumption, there is a λ(0,1) such that h(0)< m 1 (λ). From F p , q ( m 2 (ϵ))0, it follows that

ho F p , q ( m 2 ( ϵ ) ) h(0)< m 1 (λ)

which implies that ho F f ( p ) , f ( q ) ( m 2 (ψ(ϵ)))< m 1 (φ(λ)), and continuing in this way we obtain that for every nN

ho F f n ( p ) , f n ( q ) ( m 2 ( ψ n ( ϵ ) ) ) < m 1 ( φ n ( λ ) ) .

Let n 0 (ζ,η) be a natural number such that m 2 ( ψ n (ϵ))<ζ and m 1 ( φ n (λ))<h(1η), for every n n 0 (ζ,η). Then n> n 0 (ζ,η) implies that

F f n ( p ) , f n ( q ) (ζ) F f n ( p ) , f n ( q ) ( m 2 ( ψ n ( ϵ ) ) ) >1η.

If q= f m (p), from (3) we obtain that

F f n ( p ) , f n + m ( p ) (ζ)>1ηfor every n> n 0 (ζ,η) and every mN.

Relation (4) means that ( f n ( p ) ) n N is a Cauchy sequence, and since S is complete there exists x= lim n f n (p), which is obviously a fixed point of f since f is continuous.

For every pS and qS such that f(p)=p and f(q)=q we have for every nN that f n (p)=p, f n (q)=q and, therefore, from (3) we have F p , q (ζ)>1η for every η(0,1) and ζ>0. This implies that F p , q (ζ)=1 for every ζ>0 and, therefore, p=q. □

Example 3.3 Let (S,F,T) and the mappings f, ψ and φ be the same as in Example 3.1. Set h(a)= e a e 1 for every a[0,1] and m 1 (a)= m 2 (a)=a. The mapping f is generalized (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-contraction and lim n ψ n (δ)= lim n δ 2 n =0 for every δ(0,). On the other hand, there exists λ(0,1) such that h(0)=1 1 e <λ and ψ(0)=φ(0)=0. So x 2 is the unique fixed point for f.


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PA defined the definitions and wrote the Introduction, preliminaries and abstract. AB proved the theorems. AB has approved the final manuscript. Also, PA has verified the final manuscript.

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Beitollahi, A., Azhdari, P. (ψ,φ,ϵ,λ)-Contraction theorems in probabilistic metric spaces for single valued case. Fixed Point Theory Appl 2013, 109 (2013).

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