How to format your references
Examples of the Math and Physical Sciences reference style are shown below. Please ensure that the reference style is followed precisely; if the references are not in the correct style, they may need to be retyped and carefully proofread.
Web links and URLs: All web links and URLs, including links to the authors' own websites, should be given a reference number and included in the reference list rather than within the text of the manuscript. They should be provided in full, including both the title of the site and the URL, as well as the date the site was accessed, in the following format: The Mouse Tumor Biology Database. Accessed 20 May 2013. If an author or group of authors can clearly be associated with a web link, such as for weblogs, then they should be included in the reference.
Authors may wish to make use of reference management software to ensure that reference lists are correctly formatted. An example of such software is Papers, which is part of Springer Science+Business Media.
Example reference style:
Article within a journal
Hamburger, C: Quasimonotonicity, regularity and duality for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations. Ann. Mat. Pura. Appl. 169, 321-354 (1995).
Article by DOI (with page numbers)
Slifka, MK, Whitton, JL: Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J. Mol. Med. 78, 74-80 (2000). doi:10.1007/s001090000086.
Article by DOI (before issue publication and with page numbers)
Slifka, MK, Whitton, JL: Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J. Mol. Med. (2000). doi:10.1007/s001090000086.
Article in electronic journal by DOI (no paginated version)
Slifka, MK, Whitton, JL: Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. Dig. J. Mol. Med. (2000). doi:10.1007/s801090000086.
Journal issue with issue editor
Smith, J (ed.): Rodent genes. Mod. Genomics J. 14(6), 126-233 (1998).
Journal issue with no issue editor
Rodent genes: Mod. Genomics J. 14(6):126-233 (1998).
Book chapter, or an article within a book
Broy, M: Software engineering - from auxiliary to key technologies. In: Broy, M, Denert, E (eds.) Software Pioneers, pp. 10-13. Springer, New York (2002).
Complete book, authored
Geddes, KO, Czapor, SR, Labahn, G: Algorithms for Computer Algebra. Kluwer, Boston (1992).
Complete book, edited
Seymour, RS (ed.): Conductive Polymers. Plenum, New York (1981).
Chapter in a book in a series without volume titles
MacKay, DM: Visual stability and voluntary eye movements. In: Jung, R, MacKay, DM (eds.) Handbook of Sensory Physiology, vol. 3, pp. 307-331. Springer, Heidelberg (1973).
Chapter in a book in a series with volume titles
Smith, SE: Neuromuscular blocking drugs in man. In: Zaimis, E (ed.) Neuromuscular Junction. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, vol. 42, pp. 593-660. Springer, Heidelberg (1976).
OnlineFirst chapter in a series (without a volume designation but with a DOI)
Saito, Y, Hyuga, H. Rate equation approaches to amplification of enantiomeric excess and chiral symmetry breaking. Top. Curr. Chem. (2007). doi:10.1007/128_2006_108.
Proceedings as a book (in a series and subseries)
Zowghi, D: A framework for reasoning about requirements in evolution. In: Foo N., Goebel R. (eds.) Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, August 1996. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1114, pp. 157-168. Springer, Heidelberg (1996).
Article within conference proceedings with an editor (without a publisher)
Aaron, M: The future of genomics. In: Williams, H (ed.) Proceedings of the Genomic Researchers, Boston (1999).
Article within conference proceedings without an editor (without a publisher)
Chung, S-T, Morris, RL: Isolation and characterization of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid from Streptomyces fradiae. In: Abstracts of the 3rd International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 4-9 June 1978.
Article presented at a conference
Chung, S-T, Morris, RL: Isolation and characterization of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid from Streptomyces fradiae. Paper presented at the 3rd international symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 4-9 June 1978.
Norman, LO: Lightning rods. US Patent 4,379,752, 9 Sept 1998.
Dissertation, PhD thesis
Trent, JW: Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California (1975).
Book with institutional author
International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee: Nomina anatomica. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (1966).
In press article
Holmes, R: References. In: Jones, TC (ed.) Science style manual. Sprint, London (2007, in press).
Online document
Cartwright, J: Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb. (2007). Accessed 26 June 2007.
Online database
Healthwise Knowledgebase. US Pharmacopeia, Rockville. (1998). Accessed 21 Sept 1998.
Supplementary material/private homepage
Doe, J: Title of supplementary material. (2000). Accessed 22 Feb 2000.
University site
Doe, J: Title of preprint. (1999). Accessed 25 Dec 1999.
FTP site
Doe, J: Trivial HTTP, RFC2169. (1999). Accessed 12 Nov 1999.
Organization site
ISSN International Centre: The ISSN register. (2006). Accessed 20 Feb 2007.