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Convergence results for the zero-finding problem and fixed points of nonexpansive semigroups and strict pseudocontractions


In this work, we establish strong convergence theorems for solving the fixed point problem of nonexpansive semigroups and strict pseudocontractions, and the zero-finding problem of maximal monotone operators in a Hilbert space. We further apply our result to the convex minimization problem and commutative semigroups.

MSC:47H09, 47H10.

1 Introduction

Let H be a real Hilbert space and K a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of H. Let T:KK be a nonlinear mapping. Then T is said to be nonexpansive if TxTyxy for all x,yK. The fixed points set of T is denoted by F(T).

In 1953, Mann [21] introduced the following classical iteration for a nonexpansive mapping T:KK in a real Hilbert space: x 1 K and

x n + 1 = α n x n +(1 α n )T x n ,n1,

where { α n }(0,1).

In 1967, Halpern [13] introduced another classical iteration for a nonexpansive mapping T:KK in a real Hilbert space: x 1 K and

x n + 1 = α n u+(1 α n )T x n ,n1,

where { α n }(0,1) and uK is fixed.

Let f:KK be a contraction (i.e., f(x)f(y)αxy for all x,yK and α[0,1)). In 2000, Moudafi [25] introduced the viscosity approximation method for a nonexpansive mapping T as follows: x 1 K and

x n + 1 = α n f( x n )+(1 α n )T x n ,n1,

where { α n }(0,1). It was proved, in a Hilbert space that the sequence { x n } generated by (1.2) strongly converges to a fixed point of T under suitable conditions.

Let A be a strongly positive bounded linear operator on H: that is, there is a constant γ ¯ with property

Ax,x γ ¯ x 2 xH.

A typical problem is to minimize a quadratic function over the set of the fixed points of a nonexpansive mapping on a real Hilbert space H:

min x K Ax,xx,b,

where K is the fixed point set of a nonexpansive mapping T on H and b is a given point in H.

Recently, Marino-Xu [22] introduced the following general iterative method for a nonexpansive mapping T in a Hilbert space: x 1 H and

x n + 1 = α n γf( x n )+(I α n A)T x n ,n1,

where { α n }(0,1), f is a contraction and A is a strongly positive bounded linear operator.

Since then, there have been a number of modified viscosity approximation methods for nonexpansive mappings or nonexpansive semigroups (see, for example, [6, 7, 9, 26, 32, 35, 38, 42, 43]).

Recall that T:KK is called a κ-strict pseudocontraction if there exists a constant 0κ<1 such that

T x T y 2 x y 2 +κ ( I T ) x ( I T ) y 2

for all x,yK. It is known that (1.3) is equivalent to the following:

TxTy,xy x y 2 1 κ 2 ( I T ) x ( I T ) y 2

for all x,yK.

The class of strict pseudocontractions was introduced, in 1967, by Browder-Petryshyn [3]. The existence and weak convergence theorems were proved in a real Hilbert space by using Mann iterative algorithm (1.1) with a constant sequence α n =α for all n1. Recently, Marino-Xu [23] and Zhou [44] extended the results of Browder-Petryshyn [3] to Mann’s iteration process (1.1). Since 1967, the study of fixed points for strict pseudocontractions has been investigated by many authors (see, e.g., [1, 28]).

A set-valued mapping M:H 2 H is called monotone if for all x,yH, fM(x), and gM(y) imply xy,fg0. A monotone mapping M is maximal if its graph G(M):={(f,x)H×H:fM(x)} of M is not properly contained in the graph of any other monotone mapping. It is known that a monotone mapping M is maximal if and only if for (x,f)H×H, xy,fg0 for all (y,g)G(M) imply fM(x). Let J λ M = ( I + λ M ) 1 , λ>0 be the resolvent of M. It is well known that J λ M is single-valued and D( J λ M )=H for any λ>0. For each λ>0, the Yosida approximation of M is defined by A λ = I J λ M λ . We know that ( J λ M x, A λ x)G(M) for all λ>0 and xH.

A fundamental problem of monotone operators is that of finding an element x such that 0Mx. Such a problem is called the zero-finding problem (denoted by M 1 (0) the set of solutions) and also includes many concrete examples, such as convex programming and monotone variational inequalities. It is known that if g:H(,] is a proper lower semicontinuous convex function, then ∂g is maximal monotone and the equation 0g(x) is reduced to g(x)=min{g(y):yH} (see [29, 30]).

Initiated by Martinet [24], Rockafellar [30] introduced the following iterative scheme: x 1 H and

x n + 1 = J λ n M x n ,n1,

where { λ n }(0,) and M is a maximal monotone operator on H. Such an algorithm is called the proximal point algorithm. It was proved that the sequence { x n } generated by (1.4) converges weakly to an element in M 1 (0) if lim inf n λ n >0.

The convergence of the zero-finding problem of monotone operators has been studied by many authors in several setting (see, for example, [8, 10, 14, 15, 27, 34]).

In this work, motivated by Lau et al. [1620], Marino-Xu [22], and Saeidi [32], we introduce a new general iterative scheme for solving the fixed- point problem of a nonexpansive semigroup involving a strict pseudocontraction and the zero-finding problem of a maximal monotone operator in the framework of a Hilbert space. Some applications concerning the convex minimization problem and commutative semigroups are also presented.

2 Preliminaries and lemmas

In this section, we state some preliminaries and lemmas which will be used in the sequel.

Let S be a semigroup. We denote by (S) the Banach space of all bounded real-valued functionals on S with supremum norm. For each sS, we define the left and right translation operators l(s) and r(s) on (S) by

( l ( s ) f ) (t)=f(st)and ( r ( s ) f ) (t)=f(ts)

for each tS and f (S), respectively. Let X be a subspace of (S) containing 1. An element μ in the dual space X of X is said to be a mean on X if μ=μ(1)=1. It is well known that μ is a mean on X if and only if

inf s S f(s)μ(f) sup s S f(s)

for each fX. We often write μ t (f(t)) instead of μ(f) for μ X and fX.

Let X be a translation invariant subspace of (S) (i.e., l(s)XX and r(s)XX for each sS) containing 1. Then a mean μ on X is said to be left invariant (resp. right invariant) if μ(l(s)f)=μ(f) (resp. μ(r(s)f)=μ(f)) for each sS and fX. A mean μ on X is said to be invariant if μ is both left and right invariant [1618]. S is said to be left (resp. right) amenable if X has a left (resp. right) invariant mean. S is a amenable if S is left and right amenable. In this case, (S) also has an invariant mean. It is known that (S) is amenable when S is commutative semigroup or solvable group. However, the free group or semigroup of two generators is not left or right amenable (see [11, 20]). A net { μ α } of means on X is said to be left regular [11] if

lim α l s μ α μ α =0

for each sS, where l s is the adjoint operator of l s .

Let K be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of H. A family S={T(s):sS} is called a nonexpansive semigroup on K if for each sS, the mapping T(s):KK is nonexpansive and T(st)=T(s)T(t) for each s,tS. We denote by F(S) the set of common fixed points of S, i.e.,

F(S)= s S F ( T ( s ) ) = s S { x K : T ( s ) x = x } .

Throughout this article, we denote the open ball of radius r centered at 0 by B r and also denote the closed and convex hull of AH by c o ¯ A. For ε>0 and a mapping T:DH, the set of ε-approximate fixed points of T will be denoted by F ε (T,D), i.e. F ε (T,D)={xD:xTxε}.

The following lemmas are important in order to prove our main theorem.

Lemma 2.1 [20, 31, 39]

Let f be a function of a semigroup S into a Banach space E such that the weak closure of {f(t):tS} is weakly compact and let X be a subspace of (S) containing all the functions tf(t), x with x E . Then, for any μ X , there exists a unique element f μ in E such that

f μ , x = μ t f ( t ) , x

for all x E . Moreover, if μ is a mean on X then

f(t)dμ(t) c o ¯ { f ( t ) : t S } .

We can write f μ by f(t)dμ(t).

Lemma 2.2 [20, 31, 39]

Let K be a closed and convex subset of a Hilbert space H, S={T(s):sS} be a nonexpansive semigroup from K into K such that F(S) and X be a subspace of (S) containing 1 and the mapping tT(t)x,y be an element of X for each xK and yH, and μ be a mean on X.

If we write T(μ)x instead of T t xdμ(t), then the following hold:

  1. (i)

    T(μ) is a nonexpansive mapping from K into K;

  2. (ii)

    T(μ)x=x for each xF(S);

  3. (iii)

    T(μ)x c o ¯ { T t x:tS} for each xK;

  4. (iv)

    if μ is left invariant, then T(μ) is a nonexpansive retraction from K onto F(S).

Let K be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H. Then, for any xH, there exists a unique nearest point in K, denoted by P K x, such that

x P K xxy

for all yK. Such a projection P K is called the metric projection of H onto K. We also know that for xH and zK, z= P K x if and only if


We know the following subdifferential inequality.

Lemma 2.3 For all x,yH, there holds the inequality

x + y 2 x 2 +2y,x+y.

Lemma 2.4 [22]

Let A be a strongly positive bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space H with coefficient γ ¯ and 0<ρ A 1 . Then IρA1ρ γ ¯ .

In the sequel, we need the following crucial lemmas.

Lemma 2.5 [41]

Assume { a n } is a sequence of nonnegative real numbers such that

a n + 1 (1 ρ n ) a n + ρ n δ n ,n1,

where { ρ n } is a sequence in (0,1) and { δ n } is a sequence in R such that

  1. (a)

    n = 1 ρ n =;

  2. (b)

    lim sup n δ n 0 or n = 1 | ρ n δ n |<.

Then lim n a n =0.

Lemma 2.6 [36]

Let { x n } and { y n } be bounded sequences in a Banach space E such that

x n + 1 =(1 β n ) y n + β n x n ,n1,

where { β n } is a real sequence in (0,1) with 0< lim inf n β n lim sup n β n <1. If lim sup n ( y n + 1 y n x n + 1 x n )0, then lim n y n x n =0.

The following crucial results can be found in [1].

Lemma 2.7 [1]

Let K be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H and let T:KK be a κ-strict pseudocontraction such that F(T), then IT is demiclosed at zero, that is, for all sequence { x n }K with x n y and x n T x n 0 it follows that y=Ty.

Lemma 2.8 [1]

Let K be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H and let T i :KK (i=1,2,,N) be a family of κ i -strict pseudocontractions for some 0 κ i <1. Assume { η i } i = 1 N is a positive sequence such that i = 1 N η i =1. Then i = 1 N η i T i is a κ-strict pseudocontraction with κ=max{ κ i :1iN}. Moreover, if { T i } i = 1 N has a common fixed point, then F( i = 1 N η i T i )= i = 1 N F( T i ).

Lemma 2.9 [40]

Let the resolvent J λ M be defined by J λ M = ( I + λ M ) 1 , λ>0. Then the following holds:

J s M x J t M x | s t t | x J t M x

for all s,t>0 and xH.

3 Main result

In this section, we are now ready to prove our main theorem.

Theorem 3.1 Let H be a real Hilbert space and S={T(t):tS} a nonexpansive semigroup on H. Let M:H 2 H be a maximal monotone operator and T:HH a κ-strict pseudocontraction such that F:=F(S) M 1 (0)F(T). Let X be a left invariant subspace of (S) such that 1X, and the function tT(t)x,y is an element of X for each x,yH. Let { μ n } be a left regular sequence of means on X such that lim n μ n + 1 μ n =0. Let f be an α-contraction on H and A a strongly positive bounded linear operator with coefficient γ ¯ . Let β and γ be real numbers such that 0<β<1 and 0<γ< γ ¯ /α. Let { x n } be generated by x 1 H and

{ y n = J λ n M ( δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) T x n ) , x n + 1 = α n γ f ( x n ) + β x n + ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) T ( μ n ) y n , n 1 ,

where { α n }(0,1), { δ n }(κ,1) and { λ n }(0,) satisfying the conditions:

(C1) lim n α n =0 and n = 1 α n =;

(C2) lim n | δ n + 1 δ n |=0;

(C3) κ< lim inf n δ n lim sup n δ n <1;

(C4) lim inf n λ n >0 and lim n | λ n + 1 λ n |=0.

Then { x n } converges strongly to pF which also solves the following variational inequality:

( γ f A ) p , q p 0,qF.

Proof Since α n 0, we shall assume that α n (1β) A 1 and 1 α n ( γ ¯ αγ)>0. So by Lemma 2.4, we have (1β)I α n A1β α n γ ¯ .

First, we show that { x n } is bounded. Let wF. Put z n = δ n x n +(1 δ n )T x n for all nN. Then

z n w 2 = δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) T x n w 2 = δ n ( x n w ) + ( 1 δ n ) ( T x n w ) 2 = δ n x n w 2 + ( 1 δ n ) T x n w 2 δ n ( 1 δ n ) x n T x n 2 δ n x n w 2 + ( 1 δ n ) x n w 2 + ( 1 δ n ) κ x n T x n 2 δ n ( 1 δ n ) x n T x n 2 = x n w 2 + ( 1 δ n ) ( κ δ n ) x n T x n 2 x n w 2 ,

which yields

z n w x n w.

Moreover, since J λ n M is firmly nonexpansive,

y n w= J λ n M z n w z n w x n w.

From (3.3), we have

x n + 1 w [ ( 1 β ) I α n A ] [ T ( μ n ) y n w ] + α n γ [ f ( x n ) f ( w ) ] + α n [ γ f ( w ) A w ] + β ( x n w ) [ 1 α n ( γ ¯ α γ ) ] x n w + α n γ f ( w ) A w max { x n w , γ f ( w ) A w ( γ ¯ γ α ) } .

By an induction, we can show that

x n wmax { x 1 w , γ f ( w ) A w ( γ ¯ γ α ) } ,n1.

Therefore, { x n } is bounded. So are {f( x n )}, { y n }, { z n }, and {T( μ n ) y n }.

We next show that

lim n x n + 1 x n =0.

Observe that

lim n T ( μ n + 1 ) y n T ( μ n ) y n =0.


T ( μ n + 1 ) y n T ( μ n ) y n = sup z = 1 | T ( μ n + 1 ) y n T ( μ n ) y n , z | = sup z = 1 | ( μ n + 1 ) s T ( s ) y n , z ( μ n ) s T ( s ) y n , z | μ n + 1 μ n sup s S T ( s ) y n .

Since { y n } is bounded and lim n μ n + 1 μ n =0, (3.4) holds.

For each nN, define T n x= δ n x+(1 δ n )Tx. Then T n is nonexpansive, and hence

z n + 1 z n = T n + 1 x n + 1 T n x n T n + 1 x n + 1 T n + 1 x n + T n + 1 x n T n x n x n + 1 x n + | δ n + 1 δ n | M 1

for some big enough constant M 1 >0.

On the other hand, since y n = J λ n M z n and y n + 1 = J λ n + 1 M z n + 1 ,

y n + 1 y n = J λ n + 1 M z n + 1 J λ n M z n J λ n + 1 M z n + 1 J λ n M z n + 1 + J λ n M z n + 1 J λ n M z n J λ n + 1 M z n + 1 J λ n M z n + 1 + z n + 1 z n .

Put w n = x n + 1 β x n 1 β . Then

w n + 1 w n = 1 1 β [ ( x n + 2 β x n + 1 ) ( x n + 1 β x n ) ] = 1 1 β [ α n + 1 ( γ f ( x n + 1 ) A T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 ) + ( 1 β ) T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 ] 1 1 β [ α n ( γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n ) + ( 1 β ) T ( μ n ) y n ] = α n + 1 1 β ( γ f ( x n + 1 ) A T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 ) + T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 α n 1 β ( γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n ) T ( μ n ) y n = α n + 1 1 β ( γ f ( x n + 1 ) A T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 ) + ( T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 T ( μ n + 1 ) y n ) α n 1 β ( γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n ) ( T ( μ n ) y n T ( μ n + 1 ) y n )

which implies

w n + 1 w n α n + 1 1 β γ f ( x n + 1 ) A T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 + y n + 1 y n + α n 1 β γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n + T ( μ n ) y n T ( μ n + 1 ) y n .

Substituting (3.5) and (3.6) into (3.7), we obtain

w n + 1 w n α n + 1 1 β γ f ( x n + 1 ) A T ( μ n + 1 ) y n + 1 + J λ n + 1 M z n + 1 J λ n M z n + 1 + x n + 1 x n + | δ n + 1 δ n | M 1 + α n 1 β γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n + T ( μ n ) y n T ( μ n + 1 ) y n .

Using Lemma 2.9, (3.4), (C1), (C2), and (C4), we have

lim sup n ( w n + 1 w n x n + 1 x n ) 0.

From Lemma 2.6, we derive

lim n w n x n =0.

It also follows that

lim n x n + 1 x n =0.

We next show that

lim n x n T ( t ) x n =0,tS.


K=max { x 1 w , γ f ( w ) A w ( γ ¯ γ α ) } .

Set D={yH:ywK}. Then D is a nonempty bounded closed convex set. Moreover, { x n }, { y n }, and { z n } are in D. To complete our proof, we follow the proof line as in [2] (see also [19, 20, 33]). Let ε>0. From [5], there exists δ>0 such that

c o ¯ F δ ( T ( t ) ; D ) + B δ F ε ( T ( t ) ; D ) ,tS.

From Corollary 1.1 in [5], there exists a natural number N such that

1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t i s ) y T ( t ) ( 1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t i s ) y ) δ,

for all t,sS and yD. Let tS. Since { μ n } is left regular, there exists n 0 N such that

μ n l t i μ n δ 3 ( K + w )

for all n n 0 and i=1,2,,N. So we have for all n n 0


Observe, by Lemma 2.2

1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t i s ) yd μ n (s) c o ¯ { 1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t ) i ( T ( s ) y ) : s S } .

Combining (3.10)-(3.12), we derive

T ( μ n ) y = 1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t i s ) y d μ n ( s ) + ( T ( μ n ) y 1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t i s ) y d μ n ( s ) ) c o ¯ { 1 N + 1 i = 0 N T ( t ) i ( T ( s ) y ) : s S } + B δ / 3 c o ¯ F δ ( T ( t ) ; D ) + B δ / 3 ,

for all yD and n n 0 . Let tS and ε>0. Then there exists δ>0 which satisfies (3.9). Observe

x n + 1 =T( μ n ) y n + β 1 β ( x n + 1 x n )+ α n 1 β ( γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n ) .

Since x n + 1 x n 0 and α n 0, there exists kN such that

x n + 1 = T ( μ n ) y n + β 1 β ( x n x n + 1 ) + α n 1 β ( γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n ) c o ¯ F δ ( T ( t ) ; D ) + B δ / 3 + B δ / 3 + B δ / 3 c o ¯ F δ ( T ( t ) ; D ) + B δ F ε ( T ( t ) ; D ) ,

for all n>k. Hence, lim sup n x n T(t) x n ε. Since ε>0 is arbitrary,

lim n x n T ( t ) x n =0.

We next show that

lim n y n z n =0.

Since J λ n M is firmly nonexpansive and y n = J λ n M z n ,

y n w 2 = J λ n M z n J λ n M w 2 J λ n M z n J λ n M w , z n w = y n w , z n w = 1 2 ( y n w 2 + z n w 2 z n y n 2 ) ,

which implies

y n w 2 z n w 2 z n y n 2 .


x n + 1 w 2 = [ ( 1 β ) ( T ( μ n ) y n w ) + β ( x n w ) ] + α n [ γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n ] 2 ( 1 β ) ( T ( μ n ) y n w ) + β ( x n w ) 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n , x n + 1 w ( 1 β ) y n w 2 + β x n w 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n , x n + 1 w ( 1 β ) ( z n w 2 z n y n 2 ) + β x n w 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n , x n + 1 w x n w 2 ( 1 β ) z n y n 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n , x n + 1 w ,

which yields

(1β) z n y n 2 α n M 2 + ( x n w 2 x n + 1 w 2 )

for some M 2 >0. Thus, (3.15) holds by (3.8) and α n 0.

We next show that

lim n x n T x n =0.

From (3.2), we have

y n w 2 z n w 2 x n w 2 +(1 δ n )(κ δ n ) x n T x n 2 .

So, we obtain

x n + 1 w 2 ( 1 β ) y n w 2 + β x n w 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n , x n + 1 w ( 1 β ) ( x n w 2 + ( 1 δ n ) ( κ δ n ) x n T x n 2 ) + β x n w 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A T ( μ n ) y n , x n + 1 w x n w 2 + ( 1 β ) ( 1 δ n ) ( κ δ n ) x n T x n 2 + α n M 2 .

It follows that

(1β)(1 δ n )( δ n κ) x n T x n 2 α n M 2 + x n w 2 x n + 1 w 2 .

From (C1) and (C3), we conclude that (3.16) holds. Moreover, we get that

lim n x n z n =0.

It is easy to see that P F (γf+(IA)) is a contraction. So, by Banach’s contraction principle, there exists a unique point p which satisfies the following variational inequality:

( γ f A ) p , q p 0,qF.

We next show that

lim sup n ( γ f A ) p , x n p 0.

To this end, we choose a subsequence { x n k } of { x n } such that

lim sup n ( γ f A ) p , x n p = lim k ( γ f A ) p , x n k p .

Since { x n } is bounded and H is reflexive, there exists a point zH such that x n k z. From (3.15) and (3.17), there exists a corresponding subsequence { y n k } of { y n } (resp. { z n k } of { z n }) such that y n k z (resp. z n k z).

We next show that z M 1 (0). Since y n = J λ n M z n ,

A λ n z n = 1 λ n y n z n .

From (3.15) and lim inf n λ n >0, we have

lim n A λ n z n =0.

Noting that ( z n , A λ n z n )G(M), by the monotonicity of M, we have

s z n , s A λ n z n 0

for all (s, s )G(M). So we obtain

s z , s 0

for all (s, s )G(M). Hence, z M 1 (0) by the maximality of M.

On the other hand, from (3.14), we get that zF(S) by the demiclosedness of a nonexpansive mapping [4, 12]. Applying Lemma 2.7 to (3.16), we also get that zF(T). This shows that zF, and hence

lim sup n ( γ f A ) p , x n p = ( γ f A ) p , z p 0.

We finally show that x n p as n. From Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4, we have

x n + 1 p 2 = [ ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) ( T ( μ n ) y n p ) + β ( x n p ) ] + α n ( γ f ( x n ) A p ) 2 ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) ( T ( μ n ) y n p ) + β ( x n p ) 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) A p , x n + 1 p = ( 1 β ) ( 1 β ) I α n A ( 1 β ) ( T ( μ n ) y n p ) + β ( x n p ) 2 + 2 α n γ f ( x n ) f ( p ) , x n + 1 p + 2 α n γ f ( p ) A p , x n + 1 p ( 1 β ) ( 1 β ) I α n A ( 1 β ) ( T ( μ n ) y n p ) 2 + β x n p 2 + 2 α n γ α x n p x n + 1 p + 2 α n γ f ( p ) A p , x n + 1 p ( 1 β ) I α n A 2 1 β T ( μ n ) y n p 2 + β x n p 2 + α n γ α ( x n p 2 + x n + 1 p 2 ) + 2 α n γ f ( p ) A p , x n + 1 p ( ( ( 1 β ) γ ¯ α n ) 2 1 β + β + α n γ α ) x n p 2 + α n γ α x n + 1 p 2 + 2 α n γ f ( p ) A p , x n + 1 p = ( 1 ( 2 γ ¯ α γ ) α n + γ ¯ 2 α n 2 1 β ) x n p 2 + α n γ α x n + 1 p 2 + 2 α n γ f ( p ) A p , x n + 1 p .

It follows that

x n + 1 p 2 ( 1 2 α n ( γ ¯ α γ ) 1 α γ α n ) x n p 2 + 2 α n ( γ ¯ α γ ) 1 α γ α n ( 1 γ ¯ α γ γ f ( p ) A p , x n + 1 p + γ ¯ 2 α n 2 ( 1 β ) ( γ ¯ α γ ) x n p 2 ) .

From (3.19) and (C1), we can apply Lemma 2.5 to conclude that x n p as n. This completes the proof. □

From Rockafellar’s theorem [29, 30], we next apply our result to the convex minimization problem in a Hilbert space.

Corollary 3.2 Let H be a real Hilbert space and S={T(t):tS} a nonexpansive semigroup on H. Let g:H(,] be a proper lower semi-continuous convex function and T:HH a κ-strict pseudocontraction such that F:=F(S) g 1 (0)F(T). Let X be a left invariant subspace of (S) such that 1X, and the function tT(t)x,y is an element of X for each x,yH. Let { μ n } be a left regular sequence of means on X such that lim n μ n + 1 μ n =0. Let f be an α-contraction on H and A a strongly positive bounded linear operator with coefficient γ ¯ . Let { α n }, β, γ, { δ n } and { λ n } be as in Theorem 3.1. Then the sequence { x n } generated by x 1 H and

{ z n = δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) T x n , y n = argmin y H { g ( y ) + 1 2 λ n z n y 2 } , x n + 1 = α n γ f ( x n ) + β x n + ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) T ( μ n ) y n , n 1 ,

converges strongly to pF which also solves the variational inequality (3.1).

Using Lemma 2.8, we next apply our result to a finite family of strict pseudocontractions in a Hilbert space.

Corollary 3.3 Let H be a real Hilbert space and S={T(t):tS} a nonexpansive semigroup on H. Let M:H 2 H be a maximal monotone operator and { T i } i = 1 N :HH a family of κ i -strict pseudocontractions such that F:=F(S) M 1 (0)F( T 1 )F( T N ). Let κ=max{ κ i :1iN}. Let X be a left invariant subspace of (S) such that 1X, and the function tT(t)x,y is an element of X for each x,yH. Let { μ n } be a left regular sequence of means on X such that lim n μ n + 1 μ n =0. Let f be an α-contraction on H and A a strongly positive bounded linear operator with coefficient γ ¯ . Let { α n }, β, γ, { δ n } and { λ n } be as in Theorem 3.1 and η i (0,1) with i = 1 N η i =1. Then the sequence { x n } generated by x 1 H and

{ y n = J λ n M ( δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) i = 1 N η i T i x n ) , x n + 1 = α n γ f ( x n ) + β x n + ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) T ( μ n ) y n , n 1 ,

converges strongly to pF which also solves the variational inequality (3.1).

Using the results proved in [37] (see also [19]), we obtain the following corollaries.

Corollary 3.4 Let H be a real Hilbert space. Let S 1 and S 2 be nonexpansive mappings on H with S 1 S 2 = S 2 S 1 . Let M:H 2 H be a maximal monotone operator and let T:HH be a κ-strict pseudocontraction such that F:=F( S 1 )F( S 2 ) M 1 (0)F(T). Let f be an α-contraction on H and A a strongly positive bounded linear operator with coefficient  γ ¯ . Let { α n }, β, γ, { δ n }, and { λ n } be as in Theorem 3.1. Then the sequence { x n } generated by x 1 H and

{ y n = J λ n M ( δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) T x n ) , x n + 1 = α n γ f ( x n ) + β x n + ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) ( 1 n 2 i = 0 n 1 j = 0 n 1 S 1 i S 2 j y n ) , n 1 ,

converges strongly to pF which also solves the variational inequality (3.1).

Corollary 3.5 Let H be a real Hilbert space. Let S={T(t):t R + } be a strongly continuous nonexpansive semigroup on H. Let M:H 2 H be a maximal monotone operator and T:HH a κ-strict pseudocontraction such that F:=F(S) M 1 (0)F(T). Let f be an α-contraction on H and A a strongly positive bounded linear operator with coefficient  γ ¯ . Let { α n }, β, γ, { δ n }, and { λ n } be as in Theorem 3.1. Then the sequence { x n } generated by x 1 H and

{ y n = J λ n M ( δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) T x n ) , x n + 1 = α n γ f ( x n ) + β x n + ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) ( 1 t n 0 t n T ( s ) y n d ( s ) ) , n 1 ,

where { t n } is an increasing sequence in (0,) such that lim n t n = and lim n t n / t n + 1 =1, converges strongly to pF which also solves the variational inequality (3.1).

Corollary 3.6 Let H be a real Hilbert space. Let S={T(t):t R + } be a strongly continuous nonexpansive semigroup on H. Let M:H 2 H be a maximal monotone operator and T:HH a κ-strict pseudocontraction such that F:=F(S) M 1 (0)F(T). Let f be an α-contraction on H and A a strongly positive bounded linear operator with coefficient  γ ¯ . Let { α n }, β, γ, { δ n } and { λ n } be as in Theorem 3.1. Then the sequence { x n } generated by x 1 H and

{ y n = J λ n M ( δ n x n + ( 1 δ n ) T x n ) , x n + 1 = α n γ f ( x n ) + β x n + ( ( 1 β ) I α n A ) ( a n 0 exp ( a n s ) T ( s ) y n d ( s ) ) , n 1 ,

where { a n } is a decreasing sequence in (0,) such that lim n a n =0, converges strongly to pF which also solves the variational inequality (3.1).


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The author wishes to thank Professor Anthony To-Ming Lau for the hospitality and guidance when stayed in University of Alberta during Spring/Summer 2011 and Professor Suthep Suantai for the valuable suggestion. The author was supported by the Thailand Research Fund, the Commission on Higher Education, and University of Phayao under Grant MRG5580016.

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Cholamjiak, P. Convergence results for the zero-finding problem and fixed points of nonexpansive semigroups and strict pseudocontractions. Fixed Point Theory Appl 2012, 129 (2012).

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